Monday, October 31, 2011


A constitutional amendment in Mississippi, set to come up for a vote on November 8,  could have negative impact on invitro-fertilization.

This amendment could spread to at least twelve States, including Florida and Ohio and seeks to classify a fertilized human egg as a legal person, thus making abortion and some forms of birth control (like the morning after pill) murder.

For more, please visit the link below:-

From the article:-

“As Hines explains, for IVF to have a decent chance of success, doctors have to try to fertilize more eggs than they intend to implant. “A basic problem in IVF is that we cannot look at an egg and determine that egg will get you pregnant,” he says. “In order to enhance the pregnancy rate, we stimulate the patient and take all the eggs that we can get and combine those with sperm. Then the eggs and the sperm determine which ones are actually going to lead to pregnancy. Some will not fertilize. Some will not become embryos, and some embryos will not progress."

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Pregnant women are known to have dreams and some of these dreams are very unpleasant and frightening. I know I must have had these dreams when I was pregnant with my son because my anxiety level for that pregnancy was very high.
Recently I had two dreams, one was that I went to my doctor for what was supposed to be a routine prenatal visit and learned that my baby had died. I was, as anyone can well imagined, very devastated and having already had a shower and has purchased everything and is now ready for our new addition, this is not a reality I want to relive.
The other dream was that I had checked into the hospital and was awaiting my c-section surgery. I waited for a while and my doctor, nor any nurse, did not show up to prepare me for my surgery, I later saw one of my sisters and she refused to look at me. Fearing that this was an indication that something was wrong, I hesitantly asked her, what’s the matter, to which she replied, there is something terribly wrong with your baby. It felt like someone had taken a knife and stabbed me in my heart. I quickly awoke and was relieved that this was only a dream. I was still rather disturbed.
Have you been pregnant or are you pregnant and can relate. Please see a link below to an article about why pregnant women have these dreams and what they are actually telling us about this very special time in our lives.
From the article:
Pregnancy is one of the most powerful experiences any woman can face. A woman’s body changes enormously during childhood and adolescence, but to meet such enormous physical, personal and social changes as an adult is a huge challenge. A woman’s dreams at such a time not only show some of the detailed events that are occurring physically, but also comment on psychological and relationship events and subtleties too.
It is also very common for women to dream about actually having the baby, and these dreams are often bizarre or even disturbing to the dreamer. Winget and Kapp found that a high percentage of dreams showed this theme of anxiety, and by following their research through, they were able to observe that the more anxiety dreams a mother-to-be had, the easier the birth was. They conjectured that the anxiety dreams release a lot of tension and fear, and the mother is therefore more relaxed at the time of the birth – usually less than ten hours."

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


When my husband and I decided we wanted another child, some company for our son, when it was not happening as fast as we thought it should, I remember saying to God, don’t you think after such an intense, difficult and long struggle with infertility that I deserve more than one child. (I don’t know if I was being too much in God’s face, but this is the kind of relationship that we have both shared given the difficulties I have had to deal with in my life).
Well, he has seen it fit to bless me with another child which I will, by his mercies, welcome in a few weeks and I am not sure if he sees it my way or not, but I am grateful to him and feel eternally blessed.
The thing is though, along with feeling blessed, I have been feeling some amount of guilt. Why am I so blessed when there are others I know who have one child and do yearn for another and there are still some who are wishing for even just one?  
Life does not always go according to the blueprint we create for ourselves, and as someone who have had to deal with this reality, I find that I had to make an effort to identify the things in my life that I could count as blessings, a good marriage, good health and a sound mind. It is my hope therefore, that we all will be able to continue to find those things in our lives that we can count as blessings and in so doing, will be able to foster a thankful heart (this is one of the traits I admire about my mom, because even when her situation was less than favourable, I could always detect from her, an overwhelming sense of thankfulness to God, whenever I was around her).
Be blessed until next time.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Just an easy laugh today.........


Thursday, October 20, 2011


In case my last post ‘Down Syndrome and how it happens’ caused  undue stress to anyone who find themselves in this category, I am following up with this post, to bring about some encouragement and validation to all who are thinking of starting families at a later stage in life and the rest of us who are already on this path.
According to a Statistics Canada Report, although it is well known that older women who conceive are at increased risk for miscarriages, stillbirth and babies born with birth defects, these babies are generally just as healthy as those born to younger women.
The report went on further to say that these children are often more advanced, saying their first words and taking their first steps earlier than those born to women in their mid to late twenties.
Another article ‘In praise of older Parents’, looks at the benefits of being older parents which includes the fact that older parents are usually more established in their careers and are generally more financially secure by this point in their lives and are also more equipped to manage the changes that having children bring.
Older parents also say that they are now more patient with their children more than they would have been when they were younger.
Of course, like everything else, there is a flipside to all things good. Many older parents will find that they are mistaken for grandparents and that can cause some discomfort if you are not secure in who you are. From experience I know that keeping up with toddlers later in life is somewhat of a challenge and these kids somehow seem to need your attention more.
All in all, I strongly believe that a child that comes to us at any age in our lives is such a blessing and once we do not set ourselves up for failure by having ridiculously high expectations, the experience should be a rewarding and fulfilling one. Just to reiterate my closing point, our son is hyperactive, from he was in the womb (if I might say). When he was two years old, one of his uncles said to me, “I am in awe of how you keep up with him.” I guess he made that comment because I am not a mom in my 20’s or even 30's for that matter. I did not have to think too much or too long about my response to him, I quickly said, “I came into this with no high expectations” and I did not have to say anything else, he got the point.
Follow the links below for more information in this regard:-

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Pregnant women who are 35 and over often have anxiety over whether their unborn babies will be born with any developmental problems.
I had this anxiety when I was pregnant with our son at age 37 and as my current pregnancy is nearing its end, I find myself having this anxiety even more.
For this post, I want to focus on the developmental problem, Down Syndrome, as somehow, this is the one that I am having more anxiety with.
Babies born with this condition are often conceived by older parents and are said to have an extra chromosome.
See more on how this condition happens, below, and check the following link for more in this regard.
From the site
“The human body consists of tiny cells. In every cell, there is the genetic material that all human beings inherit from their parents. Every one of these cells has a nucleus consisting of about 100,000 genes. Every single gene is responsible for the synthesis of a certain protein, and this way it determines one characteristic of the body.
In an adult, only ten per cent of these genes are working at any particular time. But while the fetus (the unborn child) is developing in the uterus, almost half of the genes in all nuclei are active at the same time in order to control the cell functions during this important period of development. That’s why changes in the genetic material often result in the unborn child’s abnormal development.

The genes aren’t lying around individually in the nucleus; but are lined up (like beads on a necklace) on strings called chromosomes. Each human cell has 46 chromosomes, which make up 23 pairs of chromosomes. One chromosome of any given pair comes from the mother the second from the father. Every time a body cell divides, the newly produced cells receive the complete set of 46 chromosomes.

The only human cells that differ from this model are sex cells (egg and sperm): They include only 23 chromosomes, which means only half as many as body cells. During insemination an egg and a sperm cell unite to one single cell. This newly produced cell (the zygote) again has 46 chromosomes (23+23 = 46).”

I know deep down, how ever my child comes to me, I will love her just as I would any other child born to me, because of course, “first it is a child and having a developmental problem comes second.”

Post image by:

Friday, October 14, 2011


Not so long ago, for one of my ‘Light Moment Fridays’ feature, I related how our 4 year old son saw me sitting on the toilet urinating, and told me I was doing it all wrong, and went on to instruct me on how to do it. He said, ‘stand up and point your penis and pee.’
I thought to myself, well now is the time for him to be introduced to the different parts of the male and female body. We tried many times but I guess they wont really get things until their little minds are ready.
Well, they have just reached that topic in preschool as one of his homework recently, asked him to name the parts of the male and female body.
The other day I was in the grocery store and felt him tugging at my top and attempting to lift it up. I said what are you doing? He responded, I am looking for your vagina. I turned white from fright and made a quick glance around to see if anyone was noticing us. Thankfully no one was.
The other day I had my towel on about to take a shower, he began removing my towel, I said, ‘what are you doing, mommy is about to take a shower.' He responded, I just want to see your ‘gina.’ So thankfully, he now knows the difference between the male and female reproductive organs.
The stages of development in kids; so exciting and frightening at the same time. I am loving every moment. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Obesity is widely known to be a cause of infertility and is also a common symptom of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
How exactly does obesity interfere with your efforts to conceive? Findings from a recent study done by researchers from Antwerp, Hull, and Madrid, are that eggs exposed to high levels of saturated fatty acids, found in the ovaries of obese women, interferes with the development of the embryo.
The study found that embryos developed from cattle with high levels of saturated fatty acids, had fewer cells, altered gene expression and altered metabolic activity, all indicative of reduced egg viability.
Although this study was done on cows, it could help to explain why obese women and women with diabetes, have problems conceiving.
Read more by following the link below:-
From the article
"The most viable embryos, those most likely to result in a successful pregnancy, have a 'quieter', less active metabolism, particularly in relation to amino acids," explains Dr Sturmey. "Where eggs were exposed to high levels of fatty acids, the resulting embryos showed increased amino acid metabolism and altered consumption of oxygen, glucose and lactate - all of which indicates impaired metabolic regulation and reduced viability." 

Monday, October 10, 2011


Saturday night was my baby shower. It was lovely and I enjoyed every moment of it.
The first activity we did for the evening was one where all the ladies gave me, new mom advice. I got some great advice, even advice from grandmothers. How privileged am I.
When the activity got to this particular young lady, a very good friend of mine, her advice was, ‘ensure that hubby does his part’ To which, this being my second child, I responded, ‘hubby does alright in that area.’ I could see her discomfort as she quickly said, ‘I know, but I do not have anything else to say.’
The thing is, this young lady is single and has no children. I spent the rest of the evening feeling some discomfort, as I was wondering if I had hurt her feelings. If her feelings were hurt however, she surely did not show it as she continued to take part in the other activities of the night in her usual high spirits, even winning some of the competitions.
Am I too conscious about hurting people when it comes to infertility and childlessness? You see I have found out that even if people do not visibly show that they are hurting for that which comes automatic for some of us, marriage, having children etc., they do hurt, because they themselves say it, given the right circumstances.
Which leads me to ask the question, how comfortable are these individuals at baby showers and christenings, are they secretly wishing that they were never invited?
I love you my friend and I do hope I did not cause you any discomfort.

Friday, October 7, 2011


This is 'laugh out loud' funny;

Five tips for a woman.... 

1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.

2. It is important that a man makes you laugh. 

3. It is important to find a man you can count on! And doesn't lie to you.

4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.


It is important that these FOUR men don't know each other.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Ever since it is known that I am expecting, everyone has been so excited and happy for us. I have been showered with attention and people just want to know how I am doing, when I am due, and what sex baby I will be having. I am always so happy to respond to them and very happy for the attention.
One day recently, I saw this lady watching me walk up to her. She had this smile on her face as she said to me, “take that belly off you and put right here,” and was touching her stomach. I smiled and continued walking, not quite sure what or how to respond.
For the rest of the day, I played it over and over again in my head. This lady, I know had a hard time conceiving and have been since blessed with a darling son. Did she want more children? Probably, I thought, and maybe she indeed tried but was not able to have any more.
I felt a sadness in my heart for her, because I remember when we decided that it was only fair that our son had company and began trying, and realised that we were dealing with secondary infertility, I was sad, and felt myself heading down the same road of despair that I was on before I had our son, having heard that once you became pregnant and have a healthy child, it should not be hard to conceive again. It was not so for us, as we had to draw on the same program we used (herbs, proper diet and exercise), when we became pregnant with our son.
Infertility hurt from any angle and because of my intense struggle with it, I am very aware and sensitive to people who, I believe is hurting in this regard.
That is one of the positives that struggling with infertility gave me and I am forever grateful.

post image by:

Monday, October 3, 2011


Recently, I saw a ticker on a popular cable news station that men who have children live longer than those who don’t. I immediately thought, mm, post material. It so happen though, that I am not able to find any facts to back that statement up.
While researching though, I came across this, that women who have lots of children, do in fact live longer. This is great information, I might add, but I guess many of us will not benefit from this longevity at this time, because we are all victims of recession some of us are forced to stop having children after just one or two. I guess my parents, having seven of us, are the real beneficiaries here.
The article claims that this longevity is linked to the support that these women receive from their children and grandchildren as they get older.
Please visit the link below for this article and see other ways we can all live longer.