Thursday, October 13, 2011


Obesity is widely known to be a cause of infertility and is also a common symptom of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
How exactly does obesity interfere with your efforts to conceive? Findings from a recent study done by researchers from Antwerp, Hull, and Madrid, are that eggs exposed to high levels of saturated fatty acids, found in the ovaries of obese women, interferes with the development of the embryo.
The study found that embryos developed from cattle with high levels of saturated fatty acids, had fewer cells, altered gene expression and altered metabolic activity, all indicative of reduced egg viability.
Although this study was done on cows, it could help to explain why obese women and women with diabetes, have problems conceiving.
Read more by following the link below:-
From the article
"The most viable embryos, those most likely to result in a successful pregnancy, have a 'quieter', less active metabolism, particularly in relation to amino acids," explains Dr Sturmey. "Where eggs were exposed to high levels of fatty acids, the resulting embryos showed increased amino acid metabolism and altered consumption of oxygen, glucose and lactate - all of which indicates impaired metabolic regulation and reduced viability." 

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