Thursday, October 27, 2011


Pregnant women are known to have dreams and some of these dreams are very unpleasant and frightening. I know I must have had these dreams when I was pregnant with my son because my anxiety level for that pregnancy was very high.
Recently I had two dreams, one was that I went to my doctor for what was supposed to be a routine prenatal visit and learned that my baby had died. I was, as anyone can well imagined, very devastated and having already had a shower and has purchased everything and is now ready for our new addition, this is not a reality I want to relive.
The other dream was that I had checked into the hospital and was awaiting my c-section surgery. I waited for a while and my doctor, nor any nurse, did not show up to prepare me for my surgery, I later saw one of my sisters and she refused to look at me. Fearing that this was an indication that something was wrong, I hesitantly asked her, what’s the matter, to which she replied, there is something terribly wrong with your baby. It felt like someone had taken a knife and stabbed me in my heart. I quickly awoke and was relieved that this was only a dream. I was still rather disturbed.
Have you been pregnant or are you pregnant and can relate. Please see a link below to an article about why pregnant women have these dreams and what they are actually telling us about this very special time in our lives.
From the article:
Pregnancy is one of the most powerful experiences any woman can face. A woman’s body changes enormously during childhood and adolescence, but to meet such enormous physical, personal and social changes as an adult is a huge challenge. A woman’s dreams at such a time not only show some of the detailed events that are occurring physically, but also comment on psychological and relationship events and subtleties too.
It is also very common for women to dream about actually having the baby, and these dreams are often bizarre or even disturbing to the dreamer. Winget and Kapp found that a high percentage of dreams showed this theme of anxiety, and by following their research through, they were able to observe that the more anxiety dreams a mother-to-be had, the easier the birth was. They conjectured that the anxiety dreams release a lot of tension and fear, and the mother is therefore more relaxed at the time of the birth – usually less than ten hours."

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