Friday, August 7, 2009

Naturopathic medicine and Infertility

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.
Children born to a young man are like sharp arrows in a warrior’s hand.”
Psalm 127: 3 & 4

While reading other blogs, I found this article, by one Dr. James Prego, a naturopathic doctor.
From article:

“What many people do not realize is that 'infertility' is often like other symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, constipation, etc. In other words, it is a sign that something is 'off' or not working as well as it should in the body. Many times, infertility is simply a result of a digestive issue, stress, improper diet, or some of many other lifestyle factors that can be easily corrected.”

This would particularly be helpful to persons who have been just diagnosed with infertility even though it can be helpful regardless of where you are in your treatment process.

I wish my diagnosis was as easy as one of the above, since these issues can easily be treated and I know I would not have had to struggle for over a decade. Anyway, a popular saying goes, ‘what is for you cannot be ‘unforyou,’ and so I know that I was handpicked for my struggles.

Do you feel you have been handpicked for yours too?

It was immediately after a visit to an alternative medicine doctor, that I became pregnant with our son and so I highly recommend this path. I was getting weary of the infertility medications and their cruel side effects and wanted to try something more natural in nature and was happy when I was recommended to this doctor by a friend of mine, who was working for him at the time. I am so glad I went to see him. I would recommend this path to all who are struggling with infertility at this time, especially those who like me, is looking for something more natural and easy on their system.

Remain positive and until next time, keep clinging to hope.


  1. Great post. Now you have me thinking... : )

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am so glad that you are sharing your story; I look forward to reading more about you!

  3. Thanks for your kind comments guys. I am just doing my little bit in helping out this community. Infertility is such a lonely and painful thing.
