Monday, January 17, 2011


Many of us believe in having our children very close in age, so that they can grow up together and be able to interact with each other at basically the same age level.

For those of us struggling with infertility, our reason for this is slightly different, it is because when we do begin having children, we want to have them in quick succession to make full use of our window of opportunity.

With this said, there is however a recent preliminary study which reveals that children spaced less than two years apart, could be at a greater risk of developing autism. This is indeed interesting to note.

Please read more:-

From the article
"Reasons behind the birth spacing-autism link aren't clear. It could be that parents are more likely to notice developmental problems when siblings are very close in age, Bearman said. When 2-year-old Billy isn't developing like 3-year-old Bobby, parents might be more likely to seek help. Or biological factors could be at play, he said. 

Pregnancy depletes a mother's nutrients like folate, a B vitamin found in leafy green vegetables, citrus fruit and dried beans. Prior research has tied close birth spacing to low birth weights and prematurity, possibly because of lack of folate."

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