Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.
Children born to a young man are like sharp arrows in a warrior’s hand
Psalm 127: 3 & 4


I have been watching for the past year as America’s Health Care Reform unfolds and has gotten really ugly over the last couples of days, especially since it was passed on Sunday.

What really has my attention now though, is how angry some people are. Opposition is good and does promote healthy politics, but not when it results in what is currently happening. We should be able to disagree without being disagreeable. I know people are angry and anger is a God-given right for each and every one of us, but what is important, is how we deal with this anger. We should not allow ourselves to get to the point where we lose control of our selves, and say things that causes hurt and even long term damage.

The fact that this is being played out in an environment where it has no place, is even sadder. These people who are elected to serve with a certain degree of dignity, self control and respect for themselves and who they serve, should be able to restrain themselves, if only for this reason.
The other thing is, what example are we setting for our children who are watching everyday as politics is played out in its ugliest of form. One day, we might find that there will be no one to run our dear countries, because our children are so turned off by what they are currently seeing. Then, we would definitely have a problem.

Come on people, we owe it to ourselves, our children and the land we serve, to do better, as this is very much unacceptable, at least in my eyes.

My readers, I know this has nothing to do with infertility, (or does it, because we do face anger throughout our infertility struggle and even more anger when a miscarriage becomes part of the process), but I just had to get it off my chest.

Catch you for my next post.

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