Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.
Children born to a young man are like sharp arrows in a warrior’s hand
Psalm 127: 3 & 4
Children born to a young man are like sharp arrows in a warrior’s hand
Psalm 127: 3 & 4

Theo has been home from nursery for the past couple of days, with what appears to be thrush on his tongue. He also has a mild fever and seem to be in a lot of pain and is very quiet and listless. He has not eaten for almost two days now.
He looks very drawn and I hate to see him like this. We were not able to get an appointment with his doctor the minute we found out, but thankfully we have one later today, so that he can be diagnosed and treated. I cannot wait, because he looks like he is wasting away, with eyes looking larger and larger in his little head.
Since he began nursery in January, he has had a cold, which turned into flu and so he was just at his doctor two weeks ago and just when we thought we could now breathe a little, there is something else. His doctor says that when they start nursery you must be prepared for them getting sick very often, but believe me, I never thought thrush would be a part of this.
Thrush apparently is a very common condition among babies and toddlers and is very painful, so I can imagine what he has been going through for the past couple of days. I am using the fact that when I give my tongue a good bite, eating is so painful for me, for a couple of days, to judge the extent of the pain that he might be in. There are times when we try to force him to eat, but after thinking about this, we give up, knowing that this must be so difficult and painful for him.
Everyone know how much I wanted a child, but honestly, I really was not prepared for them getting sick and so I am still trying to get used to this. For Theo, who is such an animated and lively child, you would never know that he has been home for the past couple of days, because the house is so quiet.
We try what we can with home remedies that we researched, to help him with the discomfort, until he sees his doctor, like wiping and massaging the tongue with a clean damp cloth and giving him pain medication, but this has been challenging, because he just refuses to open the mouth.
He refuses to have anything done to him at all and he has been this way from he was born. He was born fighting and resisting.
I ask that you send some love this way for our precious boy and wish him a speedy recovery, for his sake and his dear mom.
Thanks and catch you next time.
Poor baby!! I hope he gets better very very soon!