Monday, July 13, 2009

Preparing your body for conception – A reminder

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.
Children born to a young man are like sharp arrows in a warrior’s hand.”
Psalm 127: 3 & 4

Fighting infertility can consume us to the point where other important things in our lives get forgotten or neglected, and this includes preparing our bodies for pregnancy. This preparation is vital for the health of your pregnancy and your baby.

When I was battling primary infertility, I don’t remember it being stressed to me that I also need to prepare my body for pregnancy. Maybe it was said, but somewhere along the line got forgotten. After a while, I remember hearing that I must take folic acid, at least 400 micrograms per day, which I did for some time. Sadly though, before I became pregnant with our daughter, I was not on any folic acid and still cannot shake the feeling that maybe, if I was on them, my pregnancy would have turned out differently.

Preparing your body for pregnancy also includes a proper diet. This includes avoiding beverages with caffeine and alcohol and eat whole grain cereal, bread and crackers, dark green leafy vegetables e.g. spinach and kale.

Please visit the following site or any other relevant sites on the right side of this page for more tips on pre pregnancy preparations for your body:-

Hope this information helps.

Until next time, all the best in your efforts and keep clinging to hope


  1. Very important to keep in mind but hard to do when your depressed about IF and just want chocolate :)

  2. Clare have your chocolate. After all you are going through, you deserve it.
