Monday, July 22, 2013

Oh, this one’s a scorcher

This must be the hottest summer that I can remember and the water restrictions are just making it worst. I am seriously thinking of getting a plastic pool for these children so that they can splash around in it in the days as a way to keep cool and pass time. Our refrigerator has an ice maker and because of the water restrictions we have to revert to making ice in the good old trays or any appropriate container we can find. Can you imagine, things change, but do remain the same.

It is so hot our daughter barely gives us one hour sleep these days, even though the fan is at its highest and positioned as closely as possible to her. As soon as she is up from that short nap, you would think that she slept out her full nap, because she is rearing and ready to go, so much so, that by the time the day reaches two o’clock, my energy is sapped and I am literally in collapse mode. Kids are just made up with an extra amount of energy because they just keep going and our daughter goes with the same intensity until about 8 at nights, stopping only to be refreshed by some juice, water or mommy’s breast, whichever she grabs first. Man, I live for that hour.

My husband works from home, and we have to function as if he is out working, because he has to bring in the bacon. Now and then he stops to give me a hand but that’s about it, the rest is all up to me. Some days it is three kids that I have to deal with because our niece comes over a few days a week. Today I looked at my husband’s face and felt sorry for him, He looked so tired and beaten up by the heat, but I could not help it, I had to take a nap, or else I would have collapsed. It might have been a 10 minutes nap, but believe me, it helped.  

Thankfully our son is still at Summer school, but the problem is though, he gets home just about the time when my energy has failed me and with him, he demands another type of energy from you, because he is quite cheeky, persistent and also full of life.

I hope you do not think that I am complaining because I am not as I am the one who fought heaven and earth to have them. I have a way of telling people that I literally plucked them from God’s embrace, as he never seemed sure that he wanted to give them to us at all. The first one he took back and the other two, he did seem reluctant to give up.

God favoured us and let us have these children I cannot say enough how blessed we feel. No matter how. in this case hot and tough the going gets, we will soldier on, giving of the best we can to these beautiful, precious product of ours.

Thanks for indulging in my Monday ramblings.

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