Wednesday, December 21, 2011

“Laparoscopic Excision Surgery For Endometriosis Frees Patients From Chronic Pain And Complications.”

Women who are diagnosed with Endometriosis, sadly deals with a lot of pelvic pain and discomfort caused by gastrointestinal and urinary tract conditions. I totally understand this, because my Polycystic condition, causes similar discomfort as well.A Laparoscopic Excision surgery eliminates this pain and discomfort, according to an article in Medical News Today.

The article also advise that women who suspect they might have endometriosis, get an accurate diagnosis sooner than later, so that they can be accurately treated and in so doing, minimize the chance of infertility, when they are ready to have children.

For more on this subject, please visit the link below.

From the article:

“Keynote speaker and women's health advocate Padma Lakshmi, an international supermodel and TV show host, who co-founded the Endometriosis Foundation of America to encourage research to help other women to avoid her ordeal, declares: "Endometriosis is one of the most treatable, but least treated of women's health problems. Like me, many women suffer debilitating pain and other symptoms for as long as a decade before receiving an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. 

Many women suffer silently or use painkillers, sometimes for years. Because pelvic pain can have many different causes, including appendicitis, bowel obstruction, ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, diverticulitis, ectopic pregnancy, fibroids, IBS and many others, correct treatment can often be delayed further, as endometriosis is sometimes not immediately diagnosed. 

For example, in women with endometriosis on the intestines, symptoms may prompt a physician to suggest GI tests, which will not reveal the true problem. 

Lakshmi continues saying: "If a woman wants to have children, it's critical to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. Endometriosis is one of the top three causes of infertility. Many women are delaying childbearing into their 30s and even 40s these days, but if you have had untreated endometriosis for many years, it may be too late. And that is a real tragedy." 

The currently most effective treatment is laparoscopic excision surgery as alternative medical therapies for endometriosis are extremely limited.”

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