This being my first post for the year, I want to give an
update on how things have been going with me since I came out on this blog, to the world as a Stutterer.
I did this not to gain anything more than that, I just want to accept myself for who I am, someone who stutters. I tried for years
to do this, but I was not at the place on my journey yet to be successful at this. This morning, I came across this
statement in my devotional .....”You are at the happiest in your life when you decide that your problems are your own." - David had to own his sin and continously admit his shortcomings for God to use him to become a man after his own heart (2 Samuel 12;13). - Stop blaming others and circumstances.
Not so long ago, I blamed God for causing me to be the only
one out of my six siblings that stuttered. I blamed my family for not giving me
the validation that I think I needed to better deal with this condition. As for
my father, I blamed him the most since he stutters as well. I was angry for a
long time. I refused to just accept the fact that this is my problem and I am
the one who would have to deal with what it threw at me.
Well, my journey of total acceptance continues and I am
happy to report that I find myself speaking more and more fluently now (I do
have bad days, when I stumble and even fall, but I get up, brush myself off and
keep chuggimg along). More and more each
day I find it easier to ask for assistance in a store. In times pass, I would walk until my feet hurt looking for
things. I am not as a terrified anymore of standing in a line at a fast food
restaurant to order anything. As for
just striking up a conversation with a stranger, not too long along ago, the
thought of that would give me a full-blown panic attack, Now, I am the one starting a conversation.
This breakthrough for me has been a long time coming and it
started from my victory over infertility. I just needed to claim this victory
with confidence, and let it work in other areas of my life.
I am certainly at a
happier place in my life now and just the other day I was able to post on a
comment thread for an online Stuttering Group which I am a part of, that I am
no longer stuttering as much anymore and
I think it is largely due to the fact that I am at this happier better place in my life.
Being a mom does contribute to this happier space that I am
in. Yes I am tired and feel as if I have not slept in three years, but I am
over the moon about my role and would not change it for anything else.
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