Wednesday, July 25, 2012

‘GRATEFUL WEDNESDAYS’ POST 7 – They say, life begins at 40.........

It is often said that life begins at 40 and I am totally buying into that. I am, as a result, very grateful for this time in my life. I feel so different from when I was in my 30's. I am less impulsive, more calculative,a lot more patient and empathetic and no longer feels the need to be validated by anyone.

I am also a lot calmer and this helps a great deal, as my husband is the total opposite. He tends to freak out at the smallest mishap, especially when it has to do with the children. As soon as I have ascertained that they are in one piece and still breathing, I then turn the focus on my husband as I try to calm him down. I feel that God deliberately had me wait so long to become a mother because he knew I would be better at it, at this point in my life.

Each day, I feel my faith at work and I am getting a little better at learning how to be content with whatever I have, whether it be a little or a lot and I am also learning to accept the things that I cannot change, as I take comfort in knowing that,  “this too shall pass.”

I tell you, I feel so liberated and alive and myself and those around me are reaping the benefits as I feel overall less stressed. I don’t know, but I want to credit this emerging new me, to life in the forties lane.

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