Monday, May 21, 2012


When we began thinking about having another child, I had several reasons for making this decision, and a few reasons for thinking we might be biting off more than we could chew.

Here are some of the reasons we wanted another child:-

1. Family advertisements on television usually feature two parents and two children, oftentimes a girl and a boy and so I thought that this must be what is largely portrayed as the ideal family and I did not want to miss out.

2. I wanted our son to have someone to grow up with, someone who he can interact with and who could have his back when the need arises and vice versa.

3. Which parent would not want a break at times, and so I saw where our son could actually help in this regard, by spending time with his younger sibling, probably watching television or something while mommy and daddy gets a break.

4. I like the sound of ‘the kids’ used in conversation.

5. I wanted to relax and enjoy a pregnancy because I was never able to do that with my son’s pregnancy, as I was just too nervous after coming out of a recent miscarriage. Want to know a secret? the pregnancy with my daughter was far from relaxing and enjoyable at times, because I had the advance maternal age issue and its effect on a pregnancy to deal with.

6. Even though our home was not really quiet with just one child, I did at times miss what it would sound like with two kids constantly engaging in horseplay and annoying each other.

7. We wanted to give our son as much as we could, and this included a sibling of his own.

8. We wanted to teach our son to share and to care for someone else.

9. We wanted to balance out the parent/child ratio – 2 parents, 2 children.

10. Last but not least, I wanted to feel confident that I had indeed conquered infertility and I also felt that I/we deserved more than one prize for such a difficult struggle with infertility.

So there goes my 10 reasons for wanting another child.

See what someone else has to say courtesy of ‘Circle of Moms,’ by following the link below.

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