The Today Show on NBC featured Reiko Rizzuto recently, a woman who left her family which includes two young children to study in Japan for six months.
While in Japan, she realizes that she did not want to be married anymore, and neither does she want to be a full time Mom and did not even wanted children. She said she had completely lost herself in playing the roles of wife and mother and now wants to take time to be true to herself.
Upon returning after her studies, she filed for divorce and secured a home near enough to her children where she now finds more satisfaction being a part-time mom. “The time my children and I spend together these days, is more quality time,” she says.
As I sat there and reflect on this story, I wonder if any woman who have ever struggled with infertility, would find themselves in this position. I know that I would probably never find myself in this position because I always wanted children and yearned so much over the years to have even one and I know other women who struggled like me, would probably agree with my position. I am also what I would call a natural caregiver and likes taking care of people, because this is where I find a big part of my fulfilment.
Having said this, I can see where a woman could find themself in this position, because being a wife and mother is totally consuming as you are always looking out for the wellbeing of your family, with none or little time to focus on your wellbeing, and as a result of this harsh reality, many women find themselves with such beautiful families, but sadly, they are not able to enjoy the fruits of their labour because they are fighting fatigue, unhappiness and eventually unfulfillment.
Let me know your thoughts in this regard.
See interview on NBC and excerpt from her memoir, entitled 'Hiroshima in the Morning'
If you are interested in this story, her book can be purchased directly, below.
If you are interested in this story, her book can be purchased directly, below.
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