Psalm 127: 3 & 4

Well, it is another birthday for us, my husband’s was yesterday and mine is today and no, we did not plan it as many have been asking. The weird thing about this one though, is that I have not been feeling even a twinge of joy as it approached and this almost sent me into depression because for all my birthdays, no matter what I was going through that year, as soon as November stepped in, I started feeling excited about my birthday. This year, it was not so at all, I felt nothing, I dug and dug deep but came up empty.
This morning, I woke up bright and early and decided to check my email before my husband was off to work with the lap top and what I saw changed my mood, as I had no hopes of having a great day. My inbox was filled with birthday greetings, thirty-eight messages to be exact and that cloud of sadness and despair was lifted immediately. There was another forty-six messages with birthday wishes, waiting on me when my husband returned from work a short while ago. Thanks so much to my facebook friends and to those who sent e-cards. I am truly feeling blessed.
While retrieving these messages, it occurred to me that I have no reason at all to feel down because so many people care and care enough to send me greetings on my special day. It was then I started feeling guilty, so guilty for not being more appreciative of the little things in life. I did not receive big expensive gifts or got taken out to expensive restaurants for lunch, but people who care, took time out to pen their personal birthday greetings to me. I feel so blessed.
I then look again and saw something else that I should not take for granted. My beautiful, perfect healthy baby boy who is wreaking havoc in the house and giving me a heart attack every time he did a flip or climb on the burglar bars. If nothing else, I should be feeling blessed and grateful for this, grateful for the fact that this birthday, I am not dealing with the difficult issue of childlessness.
I am still trying to figure out why I was feeling like this, this birthday. Is it the fact that we recently moved house and had a difficult time settling in? Is it my PMS symptoms or is it just how birthdays feel as you make your way into your forties? The thing is though, I do not feel older than twenty-five, therefore age could not be the reason that I was feeling like this, because I have no problem with my age except people do not believe me when I tell them how old I am. I remember having to show someone my driver’s license for them to believe me. My husband and I have been told that we do not look our age, time and time again and we consider this a blessing.
I am feeling much better now and my day turned out great. Later, my husband and I will celebrate over wine and cake. Don’t worry its non-alcoholic, therefore our son can be a part of it if he is not sleeping, as we include him in everything.
I am now looking towards the challenges and stand ready to embrace the joys that this next year of my life brings.
To all those who share this birthday with me, Happy Birthday and may the peace of gold enfold you and may his spirit guide you into this new year of your life.
Be blessed and until next time, keep clinging to hope.
Happy Happy Birthday to you and your hubby!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Michelle
ReplyDeleteAwww, Happy Belated Birthday. I too no longer look forward to them anymore.Mine is next month, and now that I am single, I am a little worried about spending it alone.
ReplyDeleteBut as I am learning, there is a difference between lonely and alone.
I am on Facebook too - we should connect on there!