Wednesday, October 1, 2014

GRATEFUL WEDNESDAYS – It is Ok To Say I Am Sorry.......

Today, I am grateful for being able to say I am sorry.

Have you ever felt within your hearts of heart that you are sorry for something you said or did to someone and know that you should acknowledge this and apologize.

Well I know I have been there because I am an imperfect being who struggles each day just to get things right and in this struggle, I do get ahead of myself and sometimes unintentionally cause hurt.

Let me say then, that it is totally alright to acknowledge that you are wrong and even apologize. I know this is one of the hardest things for some of us to do. I am not sure why, though, is it the discomfort that comes with it or the uncertainty of how the individual that is wronged might react? 
Do we feel they might gloat.  Why do we feel that we are compromising our feelings, when in fact getting to this level of maturity in life, where we can admit we are sorry, only allow us to feel liberated beyond measure.

Let me also say that if you do indeed acknowledge that you are sorry, you apologize and feel worst than you felt before, you did not accomplish anything, as in your heart you are really not at the place of total release. In my humble opinion, I think you should do some self work and try again. Don’t wait too long though.

Are you struggling with saying sorry, put self aside and try it, I can tell you, you will be glad you did.

It is ok to say you are sorry......and that, I am grateful for.
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