Friday, February 27, 2015

Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) symptoms improve as a woman gets older.

As a sufferer of PCOS ( a condition with symptoms including cysts on the ovaries, resulting in very irregular menstrual cycles and infertility), I have been noticing that my symptoms have drastically improved and have also been wondering if this is as a result of age.

Turns out I was totally on point. I am part of a Facebook PCOS support group and I did see it mentioned in a comment thread, that PCOS symptoms do improve as women get older, and so I decided to do my own research.

And so it is, according to research, as a woman ages, her PCOS symptoms do improve. Some sex hormones and  menstrual cycles improve and as a result,  older women with PCOS find it easier to become pregnant. This evidence also led the researchers to believe that women diagnosed with PCOS goes into menopause later, than those who are not diagnosed.

This is indeed great news. However, there is also not so good news. It is found too, that women diagnosed with PCOS, as they gets older, had greater C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, impaired glucose metabolism and insulin resistance and these levels seemed to worsen with age. This brought about the conclusion that women with PCOS face life-long health risks, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and metabolic problems. Proper diagnosis and management of PCOS is therefore recommended.

Read more......

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

GRATEFUL WEDNESDAYS ".....Prayer moves the hand that rules the world...."

Today I am so grateful for prayers.

I was introduced to prayer at an early age, because as early as the morning was, I would wake up to the voice of my mother praying and just before bedtime, I would again hear my mother praying.

Even though I was young, I could still recognise the passion, conviction and sincerity with which my mom prayed. She got her results and as she still continues to pray, she continues to reap much blessings in her life, to the point where she has been able to bless the lives of others around her.

The other day a very good friend of mine asked me to join her in prayer for some health issues she is being faced with, and I remember in my encouragement to her, said, that  prayer is one of the tools we have against issues we are subjected to in our lives. She agreed promptly.

As we go about our daily lives, let us remember that God is just a prayer away and stands only too willing to help us though the many and varied difficulties that we face each day. All we need to do is engage him and watch him work.

As prayers are being offered up on behalf of my friend, we wait with confidence, as God works everything out, according to his promises for his children.

Have a grateful day and do, pray for someone today.

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Friday, February 20, 2015

Widely available urine-based ovulation tests, more accurate in detecting ovulation.

For decades now, women have largely used the manual calendar method in detecting ovulation, to help them conceive. I was a slave to this method and it only worked for me after my cycles became more regular.

Researchers say this commonly used method is not accurate at all. What is more accurate is the widely available urine-based ovulation tests sold in drugstores.

The manual calendar method, used by about 35% of women trying to conceive, relies on the length of the previous cycle ( which is known to vary from woman to woman),  subtracting 14/15 days, to give an estimate of the day which ovulations occurs. This method is, up until now, subjected to scientific scrutiny. 
The widely available urine-based ovulation test on the other hand, is able to cope with varying length of cycles and is able to detect the surge in luteinising hormone (LH) which triggers ovulation . These tests comes with a digital reader and test sticks. These sticks are placed in the urine stream and if your LH is elevated, then the relevant indicator is displayed on the screen of the digital reader.

For women still relying on the calendar method to detect ovulation, this is certainly a more accurate alternative.

Read more by following the link below:

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

GRATEFUL WEDNESDAYS - For health and strength........we praise Thy name oh Lord....Amen.....

A couple of days ago, I learnt about the death of a young lady (age 19), whose story I had been following. She was recently diagnosed with a rear form of bone cancer, found mostly in people her age and she died before she could get the appropriate treatment that could have prolonged her life, if only for a little longer. Since her death, I have been constantly thinking about her.

Just moments ago, I learnt about a former co-worker who passed as a result of a heart condition. She took seriously ill recently and sadly, died.

I cannot help but be thankful for my health, and the health of my loved ones and even more, when I hear about cases like these. These are all young people, who have not lived to see old age, they are gone to soon.

Because of the age I had my children, they could have been born with many health issues, but my God is so faithful they have both been born very healthy and perfect children. I am eternally grateful for this and everything else that is good in my life.

Rest In Peace dearest Shakera and Patrice, I personally believe fatal illnesses are fought by the brave.
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Monday, February 9, 2015

MONDAY RAMBLINGS - Babies, babies Everywhere....

This weekend I saw a lot of babies, what is more pleasing to the eyes than cute babies. I heard my husband yelling for me to come and look at something on television. Guess what it was, a cute little girl with natural curl pigtails. Even he was smitten by the cute baby bug.

In Church, it was as if there was a babies convention and I found myself drifting off into babyland, fantasizing about holding a little cutie of my own. I was quickly jolted back into reality though, because my age, physical state and most of all, my finances would never allow having another baby.

I remember saying to a friend of mine recently, that if I found myself pregnant again, I would just walk right into a phsychiatric ward and commit myself. I would not wait for anyone to take me there. I said this only for the above reasons, because if I could, I would want the most, two more to make another even number (4). Why not, especially after such an intense struggle with infertility.

I can see why some women have a lot of children, because we tend to forget the pain and sleepless nights when we see cute cuddly babies.

In my parents days, they had a lot of children, I am the fifth of seven and I personally know of one that my parents lost to stillbirth. Apart from the fact that contraception was not very popular in those days, I am thinking that they were also subject to what I want to call, the 'baby envy syndrome.''

How about you, have you ever been a victim of the 'baby envy' syndrome.


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Friday, February 6, 2015

The effect of Thyroid Disorder on a woman's fertility.

When I was struggling with infertility, I was often asked on a few occasions, if my doctor had ever checked my thyroid ,because thyroid disease is a contributing factor for infertility.  Maybe he did, I don't know, the subject did not come up so I guess he ruled that out very early for me.

Thyroid disease can have a negative effect on a woman's fertility and for those diagnosed with infertility, a thyroid examination should be done to determine if this is a factor.  A thyroid examination should also be considered if a woman is having early pregnancy losses as thyroid disease could be a factor too.

The thyroid produces two hormones, triiodothyronine and thyroxine which are responsible for growth and development, mainly brain development. When the thyroid does not function correctly there can be great impact on the reproductive function, before during and after conception

Read more about thyroid disease and its effect on fertility.......

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Monday, February 2, 2015

MONDAY RAMBLINGS - Out of the mouth of babes.......

One thing I have learnt from parenting, and keep learning over and over again, is that we are never completely prepared for what our children dish out to us each day.

With my decade long struggle with infertility, I thought I was so prepared, having had all that time to observe and learn from other parents. Turns out that was not nearly enough preparation.

I have been told on a few occasions that when you have children later in life, they come with very big personalities and man, can that statement be more true. My father has said to me on a few occasions that my kids are incarnated, they have been around through their ancestors and I must say, I totally agree to that.

My children are high energy kids and give them a little sugar you have to call for back up. The other day they were up to their usual selves, I called out to them, asking them to tone it down because we have neighbors below us. My son calmed down just long enough to say, "mom, we are kids and we are going to do what kids do."

I could not respond, I just stood their feeling totally defeated, thinking, 'yes, papa you are so right.' I have just been schooled by a child I thought and so I had no choice but to concede defeat, vowing to remember to choose my battles next time.

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